Tuesday, August 02, 2005
DOWNLOAD: Media Empowerment Project "organizing manual"
The Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ, Inc. - Media Empowerment Project
The United Church of Christ's Washington, D.C., office using grants from the Ford Foundation and others, has formed "The Media Empowerment Project." The project, working in four test cities, including Detroit and San Antonio, seeks to teach citizens how to create and lobby for media that is ethnically diverse in its presentation and coverage, which "works for justice." The project has produced a PDF-downloadable "Organizing Manual".
The United Church of Christ's Washington, D.C., office using grants from the Ford Foundation and others, has formed "The Media Empowerment Project." The project, working in four test cities, including Detroit and San Antonio, seeks to teach citizens how to create and lobby for media that is ethnically diverse in its presentation and coverage, which "works for justice." The project has produced a PDF-downloadable "Organizing Manual".